The original and glorius " Pstylcho" days ! ( Dreamweaver )
Insert witty comment here !
This is hilarius.
1. GO TO THE FOLLOWING SITE : http://www.tatuagemdaboa.com 2. TYPE YOUR FIRST NAME ON THE 1st LINE. 3. TYPE YOUR LAST NAME ON THE 2nd LINE. (Skip your email address.) 4. Click on vizualizar and watch what happens. You won't believe this!!! |
This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly with my permission. All trademarks and copyrights
contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and
copyright holders.
Release date : August 14 , 2003
Table of contents
1.Amazing ASCII art
2.Game brought to you by
3.Guide brought to you by
4.Guide completed on
5.Version history
8.The guide
9.Sonme more amazing ASCII art
_______ _______ _ _______ _
( ____ )( ___ )\ /( ( /( ___ ) \ /\
( ) ( ) ) ( \ ( ( ) \ / /
(____) (___) \ (___) (_/ /
__) ___ (\ \) ___ _ (
(\ ( ( ) \ ( ) ( \ \
) \ \__ ) ( (___) ) \ ) ( / \ \
/ \__// \(_______)/ )_)/ \_/ \/
_______ _______ _______
( ____ )( ___ )\__ __/
( ) ( ) ) (
(____) (___)
__) ___
(\ ( ( )
) \ \__ ) ( ___) (___
/ \__// \\_______/
2.Game brought to you by
Disney Interactive
Traveller's Tales
3.Guide brought to you by
Raunak Rai a.k.a. Pstylcho
INDIA ( Tomorrow is INDEPENDENCE DAY ! - Jai Hind , Vande Mataram )
Praises/Abuses : pstylcho@yahoo.com (Don't take the abuses thing seriously)
Website : http://geocities.com/pstylcho/
4.Guide completed on
August 14 , 2003
5.Version history
This is the first version - 1.00 & most likely to be the last .
P.N. Pay close attention to the words - most likely .
Password Level
251324 : A buzz clip
421553 : Food and drink
343435 : Sid's Workbench
151423 : Light my fire
In the very first level i.e. That old army game jump on the firt ball that
you see and stand atop the lower drawer . Now crouch i.e. press down till
the star begins to rotate . Now you are invincible i.e. god mode . The game
is now extremely easy and you will not enjoy it . I found this cheat
somewhwere on the internet and unfortnately i don't know who deserves
the credit for it .
8.01.That old army game
Difficulty : Easy
1.Follow the arrows ( upper left side of the screen ).
2.You cannot jump onto any platform from the floor unless you first jump on
the ball .
3.Whip the lid off the bucket .
4.Watchout for the harmless looking balloons.
5.Whip the first baby monitor so that it falls off .
6.Stand in front of the second baby monitor . On the same platform.
8.02.Red alert !
Difficulty : Easy
1.Release all the toys except RC car.
2.You have to help the first three toys.
3.The remaining two will take care of themselves.
4.Jump onto the bed.
8.03.Ego check
Difficulty : Hard
1.Complete this level slowly . You do not have to keep up with Buzz.
2.Jump carefully so that you avoid all the obstacles.
3.Jump on the balls perfectly . A little left or right and you will touch
the floor.
4.Learn to use the hooks properly because this skill is required in later
8.04.Nightmare buzz
Difficulty : Easy
1.Never touch buzz.
2.Avoid the laser beams.
3.Use the platforms i.e. the blocks and the toy truck.
4.Keep hitting the balls revolving around buzz.
5.After the balls disappear , hit buzz.
8.05.A buzz clip
Difficulty : Easy
1.Drive very slowly . Time is not a factor .
2.Fuel is a factor. Collect all the power cells or you cannot complete this
3.You just need to touch buzz to move him . you don't need to attain a high
speed to send him flying.
8.06.Revenge of the toys
Difficulty : Medium
1.Pay attention to the arrows .
2.In the end , hit the wrestler toy and free Rex .
8.07.Run Rex , run !
Difficulty : Hard
1.The red plane drops soldiers . To avoid them , when you jump , keep pressing
right so that you land beyand all the soldiers.
2.The RC car har a pattern . When you see its tip , wait , and then it will
immediately burst forward . Avoid this by jumping to the right . Then it will
come back and go ahead immediately .To avoid this jump ahead i.e. to the
left and immediately jump to the right.
3.Soldiers only jump out of the red toy planes.
8.08.Buzz battle
Difficulty : Hard
1.First buzz runs to the left and then to the right . Jump over him on both
2.When he flies , it is almost impossible to avoid him . This statement is
false. You can easily avoid him by running left and then immediately right
and continue this till he stops flying. He flies about 4-5 times . Once you
perfect this you can complete this level without touching buzz even once .
3.Never crouch . Its useless.
4.Whip the tyre till it falls around buzz . This has to be done 4 times.
5.Whenever buzz breaks free from the tyre he flies so be prepared to dodge.
8.09.Food and drink
Difficulty : Medium
1.Avoid falling food.
2.While you cross the cola can machines , make sure your timing is perfect.
Jumping at the right time also helps.
3.IF buzz gets too close , crouch.
4.Whenever a paper plane flies by , immediately crouch down.
8.10.Inside the claw machine
Difficulty : Hard
1.Watch the demo . It will help.
2.Understand the pattern of movement of the various platforms.
3.The blue tubes explode when you get close to them . Hence, when you go near
them immediately jump away from them .
4.At one place , the are five blue tubes in a row . Run past them and jump
into the wall. Then keep jumping until you reach the top.
5.With a little bit of luck , you can avoid all the fans . ( Actually , a
lot of luck )
8.11.Really inside the claw machine
Difficulty : Easy
1.Save all 4 alien dolls.
2.You can carry one doll at a time.
3.Walls marked with x open.
4.A coloured wall will block you path . Go back until you can't see it i.e.
you will have to go back a door and then walk in again . Now the wall will
move and a passage will be visible.
8.12.The claw
Difficulty : Medium
1.Avoid the claw
2.Whip alien dolls so that they hit the claw when it has already lifted buzz.
Now it will drop buzz.This has to be done 4-5 times i.e. till Sid finishes all
his coins .
8.13.Sid's workbench
Difficulty : Hard
1.Keep an eye on the ceiling . If you see the ends of the darts , be sure to
avoid them since they will always fall down .
2.To avoid the balls that keep flying from the boxes with big bang written
on them and the triangle shaped things , wait for the balls to fly out , then
quickly run over to the other side i.e. to the right .
3.When you are dangling on the chains , be sure to avoid the balls that fly
from the bottom of the screen by going slowly and dodging which means you
will have to go backwards also.
4.On some other chains , the huge balls attached to chains keep moving about .
Easily avoid them by moving forward only when they start to rise upwards.
5.When you reach the end of two of the chains , instead of just jumping , you
will to jump and whip onto the hook since the platform is very far .
6.Sid will burn Woody's head twice and he begins to run . At this time you
cannot collect the stars .
8.14.Battle of the mutant toys
Difficulty : Hard
1.Avoid all the rolling cola cans which seem to come from nowhere .
2.The hooks in this stage look different but perform in the same way as before.
3.Use the standing cola cans to jump onto platforms .
4.At some places , there are numerous hooks . Use all the hooks i.e. whip at
one of the hooks and then immediately turn around in mid air and whip at the
other hook and continue in this manner until you can jump onto a platform .
This is a little tough in the beginning but can be mastered with ease .
5.At the end of the level , there are three hooks whick must be swung on to
reach Buzz . This should be done carefully .
5.When you are holding buzz you can only use his arm to fend off enemies .
You can't jump . Imagine that The enemy on the left does not exist . Keep
hitting both the enemies on the right when they wre close to you . If this
technique is perfected by you , you can complete this ordeal without getting
hurt even once . And most importantly , the enemy on the right is slow and
will never even touck you if you perfect this technique . Keep moving to the
right and I know this seems to be very long but its all over when you reach
the red volcano lamp or whatever that is .
8.15.Roller bob
Difficulty : Hard
1.You can only jump in this level.
2.The cola cans which roll on the floor can be easily avoided by jumping over
them .
3.Don't just jump . Keep going left and right after jumping to land away from
the objects .
4.There are two kinds of rockets that shoot out from the left side of the
screen . The lower ones have to be jumped over but the ones that are high have
to be avoided when you jump up to avoid the cola cans and the low flying
rockets .
5.Sid's dog runs from the left side of the screen . To avoid him go to the
right . And now thing get very difficult because there is no time to react to
the cola cans .
6.The bombs are nasty and there is no particular strategy yo avoid them
totally . Atleast I couldn't think of one .
8.16.Light my fire
Difficulty : Easy
1.Complete this level slowly because time is almost not a factor .
2.Also , if you are slow and crash into something , you won't be affected
much . But if you are fast you will bounce back and you may also spin out of
control .
3.Don't search for power cells . There are many of them . You will come across
them no matter what .
4.But , if you come across a power cell , you must get it or you may run out
of fuel .
8.17.Rocket man
Difficulty : Hard
1.Touching the left side of the screen is instantaneous death .
2.Fly avove : All vehicles
3.Fly below : Trees , traffic signals
4.In the end you will have to fly over the big cream truck . When you get
ahead of it , it will accelerate . At this time you have to go to the lower
right side of the screen .
5.Once the truck slows down , simply fly over Andy's blue vehicle .
_______ _______ _________ _ _______ _______
( ____ )( ____ \\__ __/\ /( \ ( ____ \\ /( ___ )
( ) ( \/ ) ( ( \ / ) ( ( \/ ) ( ( )
(____) (_____ \ (_) / (___)
_____)(_____ ) \ / ___
( ) ) ( ( )
) /\____) (____/\ (____/\ ) ( (___)
/ \_______) )_( \_/ (_______/(_______// \(_______)
the unknown person from whom I got the invincibility cheat
If you read this walkthrough , email me . I'll know that someone has atleast
read it ( if not used it .) My website is currently under construction . Feel
free to place this guide on your website provided you don't modify it in any
way but , you must ask me first . My email address can be found in section 3 .
I'm currently playing Tekken 3 ( Playstation ) . Next I'll be starting M25
Racer ( Pc) . Karnataka , here I come .
Raunak Rai ( Real Life ) - 25/3/1986
Pstylcho (Net avatar ) - 25/3/2003
Copyright 2003 Raunak Rai
Introduction :
The deodorant stick , the skyscraper,back 2 papa , backbreaker , the hangman.What the hell am I talking about? Isn't this supposed to be a basketball game review ? Well it is.And these are just a few of the moves that you can do ,or should i say just the tip of the iceberg .
But this isnt a wrestling game. What moves am I talking about ? Now , first of all , this isn't any usual basketball game . Its NBA street i.e.street rules or should i say no rules . No fouls , no out of bounds.Just score and win but,while doing that throw in a few tricks or should I say "bigger than life moves" and add insult to injury . And do all of this on America's authentic street courts . Sounds like fun ? You Bet !
Gameplay :
Simply awesome . First of all everything is smooth and really fast . Three players make a team . 21 points to win . No run down clock here . The first team to get to 21 points wins the game . Simple ? Well , hell no . Now , before you score how about you show us a couple of tricks (actually a few more won't hurt),pass it to your teammates a couple of times and then fly into the air for a spectacular dunk . Now the more spectacular your moves the better it is , because it earns you trick points and fills up your gamebreaker meter . Once full , You do perform gamebreaker and you not only get points for it , but take off some from your opponents score as well . And to top it all off , these moves are amazing .
Controls :
This is where the game is amazing . Everything is so simple yet so much fun . As a matter of fact , it is so much fun because it is so simple . You have a button to pass , shoot and do a trick . Also when you dont have the ball in your hand , you have one button each for switching a player , blocking and stealing .
Now put in 4 turbo buttons , And everything takes on a whole new meaning .The four turbo buttons when pressed with the others make every move i mentioned above so much cooler . Also , the more turbo buttons you press the more complex your trick or dunk is . Also pressing it in different combinations lets you do different moves . So , overall its easy to learn and master and no difficult combinations here .
Features :
This game has got some excellent moves . You basically can do dunks , shots and tricks . Now there are different levels of these dunks and tricks . Higher level tricks are ultra cool and so earn you more trick points and help you get your all important gamebreaker faster . But if you players stats are low on dunks then you wont be able to pull off a level 5 dunk . Same goes with the tricks . So , the best thing to do is make a team in which you have a player who is a specialist in one aspect other players who are specialists in other aspects . So you can pull off anything . The tricks and dunks are all unbelievable . You better believe me.Imagine this - you bounce the ball off your opponents head so that he's dazed and then you run past him and slam it in the basket .
As you perform more tricks , you earn more trick points which fills up your gamebreaker meter . Once its full you can perform the cool gamebreaker or save it . If you save it , you can do 2 things . The first would be to cancel an opponents gamebreaker . But otherwise you could fill up your gamebreaker meter once again and perform the ultra mega super cool level 2 gamebreaker . This earns you more points and takes off more points off your opponents score than a level 1 gamebreaker . But there is also a downside that the opponent can cancel out your hard earned level 1 gamebreaker if they had saved theirs .
Also , when you block your opponent or steal the ball from them it take off their trick points.
When EA sports makes a title you can bet all the big names are in it . From old school to new school you have everyone here (well almost ) . New school boasts of "Kobe Bryant" , "Allen Iverson" , "Shaquille O' Neal" and many others. Also Nba Legends like "Julius Erving" , "Walt Frazier" to name just a few . And of course there's "Michael Jordan" . Also 28 teams from "The Atlanta Hawks" to the "Washington Wizards" . All the legends have to be unlocked . But its great . Because each legend has his own signature moves which once unlocked can be used for your own created player .
This game boasts of eleven different courts . From Greenlake at Seattle,WA to Uptown at Manhattan,NY to many more . Each is distinct but does not affect gameplay in any way . Also there are courts in which you play only at night and there is also an indoor court . Most of the courts have to be unlocked .
In "Pick up game" you just pick up a team and get on the court . However , you can select the rules here and make up different matches like trick point challenges , dunks only ,no gamebreakers ,normal NBA scoring,etc. But this is a little boring but adds to variety in the gameplay . However ,the street scoring style is definitely the best .
The "Street School" is where you learn everything you need to learn in this game . Its easy and "Stretch Monroe" instructs you and by the end of it the game becomes very easy . After this you just have to experiment with different turbo button combinations . On finishing the entire exercise you earn yourself a trophy .
The " Be A Legend " mode is the best part of this game . At first you make yourself a player in the create a player section . Now the options available are limited so don't expect a create a player mode like the "Wwe : smackdown series" where "if you imagine it you can create it". But , you can create a decent player . Now you can select outfits , shoes ,etc. All the legend jerseys have to be unlocked . And you have to purchase the outfits , shoes ,etc by playing through this mode .
And , the most important part is where you edits your skills i.e. your stats . With this , you can slowly keep improving your players statistics and become better . This is absolutely necessary to pull off the level 3 and level 4 moves and also as the game gets tougher later on. You can make a well rounded player or concentrate on one aspect and max out on it . However , you can set the gold standard on any one aspect of your game . This is a nice feature .
And of course , you also can edit your moves . As the game progresses you unlock newer ,cooler moves .You can add these to your arsenal of moves .
Now , once you create your player , you select your teammates and make a team . Your teammates are basically like you i.e. they have low stats . Now you start playing against local teams . As you progress , you get better . Also , you face tougher opponents . You also have the option of selecting a player from the opponents team if you win . So , you can keep improving your team in this way .
As this goes on you enter different tournaments . The tournaments have different formats . Also there are different street challenges . These street challenges have their own set of rules . As you play on , you unlock different cities which have their own teams , tournaments , street challenges and legends .
When you start off you are a nobody (Literally).As you go on,your rating improves and you become a Rookie,Baller,All-star,Supersta
In "Nba Challenge" mode you select a team and then a region . Now you play against all the teams in that particular region .Finally when you finish off with that you play against a legends team . Each region has a different legends team . And once you beat them you finish off a region . When you finish off all the regions you get a trophy .
This game has tonnes of rewards . Nba legends , street legends , courts , jerseys and developmental points to improve you created players stats . Also there are trophies for completing each section of the game and another trophy for finishing the entire game .
Graphics :
The graphics are good . Now , they are not perfect . But they are really good . In fact i guess its made like that on purpose . Everything is really colourful and slightly cartoonish ( only slightly ). However the players look real and you can easily differentiate between players because each and everyone is distinct . Also this is Nba Street . So , no dress code . Throw in as many styles as you want - different types of clothes , bandanas ,etc . The courts are all very nice . And the crowds are OK . There are no actual crowds . Just people standing around watching some street basketball . But this is strictly OK. Some courts have no crowds . But this is how it was and its good because these are not official games in stadiums , just street games .
The cut scenes are basically the gamebreakers . These are also ok just like the other graphics. But the replay cutscenes are nice . More or less similar .So overall the graphics are good .
Sounds :
The sound effects are nice . The sound of the ball bouncing is real . The sound when you dunk is real. When you pass the ball around the sound is fine . So overall the sound effects are good.
Crowd Sounds : As i mentioned earlier there are no real crowds here. So don't expect much .When you score there are a little screams from the crowds but thats about it.
Commentary : Bobbito Garcia a.k.a. DJ Cucumber Slice is a bomb . Well actually he is the commentator for this game and let me promise you he is great . You make a mistake and he insults you like crazy . But then again you do great and he can't stop praising you . This is definitely one of the highlights if the game .
Music : When you play the game there is just background music . No lyrics . And when a replay comes on the music is totally different . But in the menus you can here the songs properly . You got Nelly and a few other big names .The music isn't great but, it is good. Well , thats my opinion but , basically depends on your taste .
Replayability : It isn't all that great for single player unless you want to earn yourself another nickname. But drag a few friends and you'll never stop playing this game . Upto 4 players can play at once . So you are guaranteed to have an amazing time . However , there's no online play.
Final Recommendation : A must have for a basketball fan . Even if you are not one ( like me ) , the game is great and all the more better with a couple of friends . Definitely worth it .