Ever wondered what that button is ?
For the past few years Google has had a button called, "I'm Feeling Lucky" this button brings you to "the first website that Google comes up with for that search field. So what's the big deal? Well, there's some really funny ones that come up if you know the words to put in. The latest one I found, "failure." And here's what it leads to. See if anyone in the media bites this story. And I wonder what Google stocks would do if investors found out that they are quite basically bashing the man that has recovered the Economy since the Clinton/9-11 fallout
Some other funnier searches:
and Formerly:
Also try : Chuck Norris , Find Chuck Norris
P.s. Click on "I'm feeling lucky" not on "Google Search"
It was certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Keep on posting such themes. I love to read blogs like this. Just add more pics :)
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